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Prayer Times

Iron Aid Foundation / Prayer Times

Asalaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu

Please download the monthly timetable from the link on the right to ensure you have the correct Jam’ah timings.

Alhamdulillah Please join us for the 5 daily Salahs:

Northwood Hills Masjid & Community Centre, Joel Street, HA6 1NL

Jummah Timing

Winter times (from the last Sunday in October)

Ist Jum’ah

Khutbah at 12.30 pm

2nd Jum’ah

Khutbah at 1.15 pm

Summer times (from last Sunday in March)

Ist Jum’ah

Khutbah at 1.15 pm

2nd Jum’ah

Khutbah at 2.15 pm


Please note the points below:-
•⁠ ⁠There are limited wudu facilities at the new Masjid
•⁠ ⁠There is limited off-street car parking so please park considerately or try to use public transport – nearest tube Northwood Hills

Asalaam Alaikum Dear Community Members,

To ensure fairness and to better accommodate those in need, we now require weekly registration for Jummah car parking spaces.

If you are a blue badge holder or have difficulty walking and require a parking space in the masjid car park for Friday prayers, please follow the steps below:

1. Weekly Request: Click on this link (https://forms.ironaid.org/friday-parking) to fill out the details to register your request for a car park space during Jummah.
2. When you press the submit button, an email will automatically be sent to admin@nhmcc.co.uk and you will receive an acknowledgement of the request.
3. Cut-off for registration is by Thursday at 6pm each week. Due to limited spaces, these will be allocated on a “first-come-first-serve” request basis
4. Explain Your Need: please briefly explain why you require a parking space on the form, such as mobility issues or other relevant reasons. This will help us prioritize those with the greatest need, again in time sequential order.
5. Await Confirmation: After submitting your request, please wait for a confirmation email. This will confirm that your parking space has been reserved for that week’s Friday prayers.

We kindly ask that you please consider those who may be less able to walk before requesting a space.
Your cooperation is essential in helping us manage the masjid’s parking facilities effectively and fairly for everyone.

Jazak Allah Khair for your understanding and support.

Northwood Hills Masjid & Community Centre (NHMCC)